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Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Some of you may know my mom, some may not. She has watched Lilli, who lovingly refers to her as Nana, since she was just 6 weeks old. Do the math, that makes about 3.5 years. About a year and a half ago, she decided her days weren't crazy enough chasing around my busy toddler so she started a quilt ministry at her church. She and a group of friends get together and sew (and continue to sew individually) to make quilts to give to people who have been diagnosed with illness, injured in an accident, etc.

Recently her quilt ministry became more important than ever. You see, about a month ago my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, and her sweet, sweet friends in the ministry made her a quilt last week. Would you hop over to my mom's blog, see the gorgeous quilt they made her, and leave her a message of encouragement?

Mom started chemo yesterday and so far she is doing well. She will continue through chemo for about 18 weeks and then have surgery and radiation. My baby Lilli, who isn't really a baby anymore, will be starting preschool in just a couple of weeks. Lots of changes for all of us.

Would you say a prayer for my mom, Lilli, and our family? That Mom will continue to feel good through her treatments and that those treatments will work to rid her body of cancer. That Lilli will love her new school and handle the transition well.

Mom - if you made it this far - know that I love you very much. You are the strongest, most independent, headstrong woman I know. And while those traits may drive me crazy sometimes, I know for a fact that those traits were given to you for times like these. The next year will hold its challenges but we will face them together as a family with God by our side. I love you!

"You will forget your misery; you will remember it as waters that have passed away. And your life will be brighter than the noonday; its darkness will be like the morning. And you will feel secure, because there is hope; you will look around and take your rest in security." Job 11:16-18

Monday, July 18, 2011